"Joni is intuitive, intelligent and little bit magical.
Anyone that would have an opportunity to
work with Joni would be a very fortunate person." ~ Kathy, Ventura, California

"A year ago I lost my wonderful grandson to suicide. I have been heart broken, he was my heart and soul. I couldn't ever comprehend someone taking their life much less at 21 years on this earth. I had gone to grief counseling, made appointments with psychologists, never felt comfortable with any of them. I had another appointment with a local psychologist when I saw an ad for Joni's work and immediately I felt she is the one I need. I made an appointment, talked to her by phone and had this immediate connection, she talked to me, with out rushing me off the phone, she felt my pain. I went in for my scheduled appt. and immediately felt at ease. Joni helped me to feel my grandson in my heart, and to connect with him on a daily basis, but the peace I felt was and is tangible. Joni did not rush me or time our session, she let me open up and feel my pain and my love for my grandson, today I am doing much better and see the sun shine every day. Thank you Joni for your work and for your love of helping!" ~ C. Meyers, Ventura, California
"I have to give a great testimonial with regards to the help Joni has given me. I was in the process of losing my mother when I started class and very soon Joni was able to bring my father into my heart so I would not have to be alone. I have always felt alone as my father passed when I was 9 years old. My father was unconscious for 6 months before he died so it was a traumatic event for me. I had never felt my father was with me and I was pretty much alone. After an exercise with Joni, I was able to bring his presence into my heart during those tough times at the nursing home with my mother.
When my mother died, I was really stuck in my grief. I had dreams each night of the nursing home and she seemed to haunt me. Joni did an exercise to release the pain I had been carrying and have had relief in my life since. When my mom died I never thought I would feel this free feeling I do now. I enjoyed Thanksgiving and I am enjoying the Christmas Season and I anticipate that this weekend I will be fine too. This weekend would have been my mother’s 86th birthday.
Joni is intuitive, intelligent and little bit magical. Anyone that would have an opportunity to work with Joni would be a very fortunate person." ~ Kathy, Ventura, California
"I have to give a great testimonial with regards to the help Joni has given me. I was in the process of losing my mother when I started class and very soon Joni was able to bring my father into my heart so I would not have to be alone. I have always felt alone as my father passed when I was 9 years old. My father was unconscious for 6 months before he died so it was a traumatic event for me. I had never felt my father was with me and I was pretty much alone. After an exercise with Joni, I was able to bring his presence into my heart during those tough times at the nursing home with my mother.
When my mother died, I was really stuck in my grief. I had dreams each night of the nursing home and she seemed to haunt me. Joni did an exercise to release the pain I had been carrying and have had relief in my life since. When my mom died I never thought I would feel this free feeling I do now. I enjoyed Thanksgiving and I am enjoying the Christmas Season and I anticipate that this weekend I will be fine too. This weekend would have been my mother’s 86th birthday.
Joni is intuitive, intelligent and little bit magical. Anyone that would have an opportunity to work with Joni would be a very fortunate person." ~ Kathy, Ventura, California

"The pain of losing a child is devastating. Not only did I feel as though I had lost a big part of myself, I felt as though I wasn’t capable of loving anyone at all anymore. Not only did I lose my daughter, but I had seven miscarriages as well. After just one session with Joni, I was able to feel my daughter and connect to each one of those amazing spirits that were a part of me and feel the love that I had for each one and the love that they had for me. Joni explained how our souls had made an agreement to allow this experience.
During our session, when I connected with all of my children, Joni mentioned they were singing a song and, at first, I wasn’t able to connect with what she heard. I was shocked to realize that the song I played for my daughter when I would put her down for her nap, and had, since her passing away, put out of my mind and sight, was the song they were singing. They wanted me to share it and play it for my two children at home which I did. After our session, I was amazed at how I felt so connected with each and every one of them and still am.
Thank you Joni, for helping me mend my heart in a way that I am closer to my two beautiful children who are with me as well as the all the beautiful souls that are such a big part of my life now and always will be." ~Anonymous, Canada
"Joni's open heart, no judgment and guidance made it easy for me to connect with the soul of the unborn child. Both, the soul and me, went into the process. Healing, satisfaction and peace was the result.
This made that I could move on and the soul of the unborn child also. This was done in one session." ~ M., France
During our session, when I connected with all of my children, Joni mentioned they were singing a song and, at first, I wasn’t able to connect with what she heard. I was shocked to realize that the song I played for my daughter when I would put her down for her nap, and had, since her passing away, put out of my mind and sight, was the song they were singing. They wanted me to share it and play it for my two children at home which I did. After our session, I was amazed at how I felt so connected with each and every one of them and still am.
Thank you Joni, for helping me mend my heart in a way that I am closer to my two beautiful children who are with me as well as the all the beautiful souls that are such a big part of my life now and always will be." ~Anonymous, Canada
"Joni's open heart, no judgment and guidance made it easy for me to connect with the soul of the unborn child. Both, the soul and me, went into the process. Healing, satisfaction and peace was the result.
This made that I could move on and the soul of the unborn child also. This was done in one session." ~ M., France
I have worked with Joni for a couple of years now. The changes that I have seen in my life, including my overall mental and emotional well-being are phenomenal. One of the greatest gifts Joni gave me during one of our sessions was the ability to connect with a lost loved one. My beloved dog, Libby, had passed away a couple of years prior and I wasn’t able to move beyond it. I felt so much grief regarding this loss that I couldn’t even hear the word dog without crying. My family was very concerned about my well being because I was really depressed. Through a combination of NLP Therapy and energy work, Joni connected me back to my pet on a soul level. I now have a deep knowing that my loved one is well, and available to me in spirit whenever I need her. ~ Cameron, Ventura CA
Something significant occurred as a result of your opening the door to the painful things that were bottled up inside to clear them out -- I had a vivid dream of the last serious romantic relationship I had (from 3 years ago), who actually had gotten diagnosed with cancer after we'd broken up and passed away before I even knew he was ill (he had since met someone new and had gotten married and moved up North). I don't know if it was a dream or a visitation, it felt so real. In it I was reunited and there with him in his last days as he died, and we easily got past the hurts of the breakup to feel the love again, and then he died. It showed me why I'd been having trouble being in my heart, as now I'm grieving much more deeply his untimely death at the same time feeling the love we had shared that was a gift in my life and can remain so in my heart forever without any hurt or regret for having broken up with him.
You are a powerful Intuitive coach and Healer, Joni, and I know I'll be in touch with you again sometime in the future when I'm ready for the next steps with another session. Thank you so very very much!! ~ Julia Amundsen, Ventura, CA
Something significant occurred as a result of your opening the door to the painful things that were bottled up inside to clear them out -- I had a vivid dream of the last serious romantic relationship I had (from 3 years ago), who actually had gotten diagnosed with cancer after we'd broken up and passed away before I even knew he was ill (he had since met someone new and had gotten married and moved up North). I don't know if it was a dream or a visitation, it felt so real. In it I was reunited and there with him in his last days as he died, and we easily got past the hurts of the breakup to feel the love again, and then he died. It showed me why I'd been having trouble being in my heart, as now I'm grieving much more deeply his untimely death at the same time feeling the love we had shared that was a gift in my life and can remain so in my heart forever without any hurt or regret for having broken up with him.
You are a powerful Intuitive coach and Healer, Joni, and I know I'll be in touch with you again sometime in the future when I'm ready for the next steps with another session. Thank you so very very much!! ~ Julia Amundsen, Ventura, CA